Left Foca this morning after Sue had an early morning swim in the pool. I guess we got away about 11 am thinking we would have plenty of time to catch our ferry from Bandirma at 6.30 pm. As a result we opted for what we figured would be the more scenic route along the coast for a large part of the trip. With the benefit of hindsight this may not have been a good idea but I'll get to that. The road turned out to be under repair for large stretches which slowed us down considerably and also the terrain was more mountainous than I'd anticipated. En route we stopped at a small roadside cafe that served a delicious meal of kofte for very little but unfortunately this took a while to prepare. The upshot of these delays meant that what started out as plenty of time had now diminished to a worrying "will we get there in time". In the end we arrived quite late and the car rental place clearly was wanting to close - this was after we had become a little lost in Bandirma and had resorted to phoning them in panic mode. Anyway all turned out well and we were dropped at the ferry terminal in time. An uneventful ferry journey to Yenikapi was then followed by possibly the maddest taxi ride from the terminal to our hotel in Sultanahmet - this guy knows how to drive and simply rocketed around the cobbled back streets with very little thought to pedestrians and other vehicles. Made it in one piece thankfully and checked in to the Empress Theodora once again. A quick bite to eat at a local doner place and off to bed.
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